of the production systems need to have the perfect materials, useful things,
creativity understandings and practical systems. At this point, the farms and
similar places have the same logic; to have really useful parts and systems;
then getting better results from the production areas. Because of this all the
managers are very sensitive while they are checking and evaluating the new
systems. Especially in the farms, like the mist system there can be some
selections for the managers. They must use the best one for their fields.
Perfect Systems in the
people know that all the plants need to have sun, water, fresh air and similar
things. So, in this kind of places or lands, people can use the high
pressure fogging system for all these plants and animals in the farm.
This system uses the high pressure for watering and then all the vegetables or
fruits can get the water which drops on them systematically. This is very
important part of the system that all these watering process must be regularly
and periodically.
point is about the setting of fog system in the farm. Very
experienced and talented technicians must set these systems in the farms or
similar lands. Then, these systems can be evaluated for all the parts of the
production; such as animals. Because animals also need the fresh hair, water
and cooling.
Materials Must be
the watering and cooling systems, the fog nozzle is evaluated by
the general system. Because of this, like all the other parts, the fog nozzle
part must be really strong at the end. So, managers and technicians can use
these parts for a long time. The system will be nice and results will be
perfect. All the results of the system are effected by different parts of the
fog system and these parts and materials must have useful characteristic.
or vegetables, it is not important which one thought, cooling system must be
nice and useful. Normal temperatures and fresh air is required by all. While
all these systems are working, the green house humidification is
also very helpful for the managers. Saving time and energy, these green houses
are very necessary.
the and, after using all these systems, the animals will feel better and plants
will be grown fast. Total productivity of the farm will be very high level.
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